*Hic* Homebrew... Computer... Isolate reason for home brew being twice as strong as regular cider... Fuck... if I keep going like this Wharf will look like Cortney Cox... *Groans*
Note: Wharf is sexier than Cortney Cox...
Why is it that cockroaches are reluctant to play checkers? ...because we are people of shoelace... and purple... the Koala knows...
Note: Watch out for drop bears...
I sing death... Translated into draconic it is: Ingleoakastimazillion. Why do I remember that? Because it is one of the most awesome names in fantasy history.
Note: What's wrong with Aqualoth? I mean for fucks sake we named both our pets after dragons... even though they are the most pacifistic creatures recognized by man.
My psychologist is nice... I know it's not everyday you get to say that about an American but hey... he's a nice guy... I don't like America as a country or generally as a people but Philip is okay by me.
Note: You're a sad sad man... Yes but at least I have to capacity to laugh while I kill everyone you love and cherish.
Oh my god... where are my shrooms!? ...You took them didn't you?
Note: Stick to aspirin... then we can sleep.
What did the pedophile say to the seven year old?
Note: Wish you were five.
What's the difference between love, true love and just showing off?
Note: Spit, swallow and gargle.
Steve... why do I love you so? I don't know you... I don't care about you... you're just another worthless human sack of flesh so why do I always end up calling your name!?
Note: Steve... I didn't mean it... I love you man.
End log.
What about Mr.Wharf dressed as Cortney Cox?