We have managed to create several user accounts on various chat sites... Test results show Anarchy has been banned on 9/10 operating forums...
Note: Must remember to stop posting the benefits of anal sex...
For some unexplainable reason we have the compulsion to walk home late at night in the hopes of being mugged, through this we may kill the perpetrator legally... This plan has hit several snags on the road to fruition, despite my best efforts no one ever attacks me.
Note: Must stop asking them nicely...
Plans to take over the world have been thwarted on several occasions...
Note: We can't be fucked...
We keep waking up to find that we are a sad lonely person with absolutely no interest in amending the situation we've worked ourself into, we don't remember anything, don't feel anything and remain bemused as to why we enjoy watching tv shows we've seen ten times before...
Note: Lay off the Smirnoff and Aspirin...
Steve has been asking why we have been posting random shit on the forums... He makes an excellent point.
Note: Steve... I want us inside you.
Science department confirms that Disprin, Alcohol and Caffeine can have adverse effects on the well being of your reputation... Everyone now thinks that we drink ample amounts of alcohol, redbull and pop Disprin like candy...
Note: But they can't prove it...
Keep petting kittens... The kittens wont judge you precious, the kittens will be your friends... Wait... What are you doing!? Don't put the kitten in there! ...No! Don't put that in the kitten either!
...Oh Jesus put it down... It... No...
[End Log]
Do women like gay men like men like gay women?